ㅤdo not interact :ㅤ

big dni to minors and overly sensitive people that have the need to "cancel" everything. im an adult, i'd rather not be interacting with minors, if you dont like just block or simply not interact.

ㅤdo not follow :ㅤ

my art account contains nsfw/mature and blood/gore themes, dont follow if it ticks, irks you out and makes you squeamish. big dnf if youre uncomfortable with how i am too, feel free to block if anything.
namejinn yu, call me jin

ㅤABOUTㅤ law major, i draw and write, mostly active in twitter, thats about it.

ㅤemail:ㅤ[email protected]
ㅤother:ㅤonly inquire above for comms

characters i relate to :

  • Geto suguru: JUjutsu kaisen

  • noctis lucis caelum: final fantasy xv

  • kenji sato: ultraman rising

  • cu chulainn: fate grand order

dumbasses :

extra note
honestly i have nothing to add here lmao, hope you're having fun reading my carrd and its contents. dont send friend reqs in my discord, its only for people whom i view as close to me, if you're inquiring about comms/want to talk, just send a message, i don't bite.